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Pen Pal Exchange Program

When I was in high school, I met a girl named Ty who like me, wanted to become a teacher. We decided that no matter where we taught, we would have our students write to one another. This year, we got the opportunity to have our students write letters and send gifts between Houston, Texas, and Queens, New York. Most of my students have never been outside of the Texas, and even more of them have never left the city limits of Houston. Having my students exchange letters with students in another region gave them the opportunity to explore culture differences with the hope to ignite their desires to explore the world beyond them. In having the students write letter to other students like them, gives the opportunity to expand their world view, and ultimately foster positive relationships that could last a life time. 

Class Letters from NY to TX


In the letters pictured below, another teacher and I, wrote class letters. these letters were used to get to know the students and to begin positive communication. Check out the letters below to see what goes on in the classroom from New York to Texas. 

Student Letters (In both directions)

Student Letters

In the letters below, the students discuss their differences while trying to get to know each other. I shared these letters to show insight on life between our students, and how communication fosters opportunities for further access. 

Photos of Students Writing


Photographed is two students responding to the letters of their pen pals. Each student responded to questions surrounding cultural differences and different aspects of daily life for high school students in the south. The photo in the middle is the envelope that enclosed the letters. The students decorated it and sent gifts that represent their cultures.

Student Reflections


It was important to me for the students to write reflections of the pen pal activity to get them to understand the importance of the activity. Not only do they get to build their communication skills and meet new people, they were exposed to different cultures and perspectives that they are unknown to them.  

Teacher Reflection

Teacher Reflection

In thinking about my students and their families, building communication across cultures is very important. The students gain access to opportunities that reach far beyond their circumstances, when they are introduced to new cultures and perspectives. Though the Pen Pal Exchange program is just one way to access to new opportunities, it creates a dialogue that fosters independence.

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